
Corinne just returned from a fabulous Design Trust, Ltd. symposium held in beautiful Chicago. The events were kicked of with a Halloween themed dinner party hosted by Kravet, a wonderful sponsor that treats Design Trust members as cherished clients.

At the Design Trust Syposium in Charleston, South Carolina last Fall, Corinne was elected to the Board of Directors, and this past Spring she organized the Design Trust Symposium in Santa Fe, New Mexico Chicago offered up another exciting new design milieu.

Time for the sights! Off to a super cool event: SOFA - Sculpture Objects Functional Art and Design. High end art from all over the globe. Were it not for getting out to events such as these, Corinne would not find such interesting pieces of art for her clients' homes. She found a wildly appropriate piece on this trip for a client (not pictured).

Members enjoyed private tours of two artist's studios. First up, Link Theien, a successful architect who is switching over to producing art full time.

Next up: Adam Siegel, a super fascinating and renowned painter. He cut up dozens of original canvases and used them to create new work in collage style. Corinne reports: "He is brilliant. He made me think about art in a space differently. He is all about using art in a way that exceeds the archetype, such as putting art in places you may not expect or using art on a scale that you would not expect." Adam Siegel's direct quote: "To exceed the archetype is to know limitless pleasure. It is about claiming space to give you a new neurological imprint."

The members toured the Chicago Cultural Center, which used to be the Public Library, replete with a Tiffany Dome. It is the site of the Chicago Biennial. The group was treated by the curator to a private tour. What a great place to go on a snowy weekend to really take in the presentations.

A pretty day in Sausalito, the girls finished the tour with a stop at the restaurant FISH. Known for its crab rolls, it did not disappoint.

Symposium presentations were hosted in the Merchandise Mart and members had time to peruse the showrooms. Designers take every opportunity to sit in the upholstered items they may be recommending to clients. Corinne tried out every piece in the Kravet showroom, since she specifies so much of their product, and the Holly Hunt showroom is a must.

For the final day, Susan Brunstrum hosted a breakfast at her brand-new studio in Chicago. Members always love to see how fellow designers arrange their work spaces.

Many thanks to Susan Brunstrum (pictured center) for organizing this successful and enriching Fall Design Trust, Ltd. Symposium in Chicago, and for hosting us in her fabulous new studio and her beautiful apartment.

Great design discussions and discoveries were had by all.

Mary Williams